Friday, March 13, 2009

Bring Out Teh Pitchforks!

To my utmost disappointment, the biggggeessst game art competition just got delayed. Some senior artists almost slit their wrists upon knowing that.

On a different note, i've been feeling a little down lately, time and time again the people i know make me realize that almost no one else in my circle gives a damn has any interest or exposure to game art. No offense to those who do not know about game art, i'm not directing hate or anything at you guys. Maybe i'm just feeling a little lonely at the moment.

*End of rant*

I guess the delay is letting a lot of the professionals out there time to finish up their work for the week, and have fun on the weekends when it begins. I also stumbled upon a cool 2D painting program called 'Alchemy' but i've yet to try it out. 

Oh no i promised Predator to help him out with his shooting in town. Time to lend a hand to UTAR peeps.

Calvin out.


  1. hmm..never heard of it. try it and then gimme a quick review will ya :P. btw, as for me, currently wasting my time playing around with sai...which kinda suits my messy lines perfectly.

  2. Sure, i'll let you know when i've tried it. What's 'sai' btw? Forgive my ignorance.

  3. paint tool sai is originally a japanese software which is mainly use to cg over there. it's kinda like uh..painter(dont wanna say as the layer/editing part cant really compare in sai). an official english version comes out a while back, (and cracked). well, try looking for it, as personally i luv how the pressure sensitivity works in it (works well with intuos :3)
