Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Windows Live Messenger Woes

For f***'s sake Microsoft, fix the damn program already! I was amazed by the amount of hits I got with "can't sign in MSN", 260 million to be exact. After hours of searching, I finally viewed the log file generated using MSN, and pinpointed my problem : MSN was disconnecting itself everytime.

Messenger:Zone_Contact_Platform_Errors Contacts store failure, forcing Logoff

Armed with specific information on what's wrong, I searched yet again, and hit the jackpot.

This solution works for the problem where MSN does not return any error message after failing to sign in, and simply leads you back to the login screen. Go HERE to read about it.

For other MSN problems, try MSN Errors, salvation might just be around the corner.

Cheers, and have a Happy New Year.